
A condition of having some or all of the fingers or toes wholly or partly united, appearing webbed.


Syndactyly occurs before a baby is born when their hand fails to divide normally into separate fingers. It can be caused by a hereditary defect, but is considered sporadic (without a genetic reason) in the majority of cases.


The common sign of syndactyly is the appearance of webbed or joined fingers or toes.


Your doctor will be able to determine if your child has syndactyly with an ultrasound prenatally or with an examination at birth.


Our expert doctors will determine the best approach to treatment and evaluate all options to reach the best outcome for your child. Typically, our specialists will treat syndactyly with surgery. This procedure will most likely be performed when your child is between the ages of 1 and 2.

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Congenital Limb Disorders

Orthopedic Rehabilitation