Scarlett's Story
We will never know exactly what happened or why. But we’ll always remember the first day Scarlett met Dr. Rachel Thompson. She spoke to our daughter, not at our daughter. She learned of Scarlett’s dreams of owning her very own bakery and favorite princess was Aurora. No matter how many activities we had her try, she yearned to just be like all the other kids.

From day one, we knew Scarlett was special, she was a fighter. She entered the world with her twin brother via emergency c-section at 32 weeks. At 4 months, there were some delays, and at 6 months Scarlett had a brain MRI which revealed Moderate Central Brain atrophy.
We will never know exactly what happened or why. But we’ll always remember the first day Scarlett met Dr. Rachel Thompson. She spoke to our daughter, not at our daughter. She learned of Scarlett’s dreams of owning her very own bakery and favorite princess was Aurora. No matter how many activities we had her try, she yearned to just be like all the other kids.
Which brought us to surgery, a big one. A bilateral reconstruction of the pelvis, hips, and knees. There was a lot of pain and tears during the recovery months, but at the last visit, Scarlett looked at us and said… “it was all worth it.” We’ll always think of Dr. Thompson and her wonderful team as part of the family. To this day they are with Scarlett on every step of her journey.
- Keri and Rob Ferguson